Stephanie Thompson

If you had met me in 2011, you would not recognize me as the same person I am today. I had no clear direction for my business or personal life. I was dealing with doubts and frustration that were holding me back. I was lucky to be one of the first to get access to Aimmee’s teaching. She took me under her wing, guided me, and gave me Tools, Techniques, Steps, and Clear Direction to discover my Negotiator Mind™. She transformed my life and helped me to get out of my own way and step into the successful life I have now! Aimmee has a very unique and effective way of teaching. I have no doubt that if you let Aimmee help you get to know your Negotiator Mind™, you will be able to see and experience amazing results in your business or personal life!

Josh Carpenter

A lot of coaches have told me what I WANTED to hear. Not what I NEEDED. I must admit that there was a little bit of sting when Aimmee was telling me what I needed to hear. But it didn’t take me too long to realize how INTELLIGENT she was. Aimmee starts from the inside out. She showed me the process and gave me the tools that helped me in my business as well as personal life. I learned from Aimmee more than I have ever learned from COLLEGE!

John Ryan

Stephanie Thompson is a wonderful teacher. She is patient, kind, and has a sparkling knack for helping her students reach the fullest of their potential. She helped me broaden my confidence and vocal range, and she helped me appreciate the most beautiful musical instrument on earth – the human voice.

Kory Muniz

After seeing a Facebook post from Stephanie Thompson I was lead to take the leap. As a former Geek in school and the girl singer in a couple of bands in school, it was a long time that my voice had any training and my range has shortened dramatically. Since the lockdowns I haven’t been able to do my usual karaoke and my range got even smaller and my breathing was no longer sustained enough to control my voice the way I knew I should be able too.
I felt and heard a definite difference from the very first class. I was embarrassed but Stephanie’s gentle and kind personality cheered me on with her big smiles and words of praise and encouragement. My classes with Stephanie are a pleasure that I look forward to every week. I know that she will kick my but in all the best ways and I will come out of each class knowing that I have spent my time well and achieved something for myself. Thank you Stephanie. You are a Godsend. I wholeheartedly would recommend Stephanie Thompson’s class to anyone wanting to learn how to control their gift of song or anyone wanting to fine-tune what they already have.

Sue Lee

“After seeing Stephanie’s Facebook live Voice lessons, I found the courage and saw the value to take lessons even though I’m not a. Professional singer. Then she asked what my goal was and I said that when I sing, I feel the chin and neck tightening so that there is no voice coming out. I want to solve it, sing freely and naturally. In a short time, she discovered why my voice did not come out when I was singing! She taught me three tips that gave me the ability to open up my voice. Stephanie is a very passionate, deeply insightful vocal coach and amazing singer. I love her songs and I sing along often. In a very busy time, lessons with her were very informative times that challenged and energized me. Most of all, while taking vocal lessons, there were times when my voice was very thick and low-pitched, so when I was talking to my kids, I could make a voice that seemed angry and I am very happy that she could point that out and fix it clearly. Therefore, the reason why my voice did not come out when singing was naturally connected and resolved. Stephanie made the lessons insightful and fun. Having her as your coach, I’m sure you will walk away feeling and knowing your voice has shifted, gain confidence and get the same joy and good results as me Thank You!”.​

Leslie Rigney

This letter is to recommend Stephanie Thompson as a beautiful singer and beautiful person.
I work with a Non-Profit organization, The Universal Peace Federation, which is in General Status at the UN. We hold Peace Forums and American Leadership Forums with various local and national leaders for the purpose of educating about the Principles of Peace, starting within the individual, the family, the tribe, the nation and eventually at the world level.
Stephanie has come to several of our programs. She has uplifted and inspired a high spirit at our meetings with her singing. She is an accomplished and professional singer. Her heart and love for others is evident in her performance. Her songs are always well chosen for the occasion. She has been a precious gift to us on these multiple occasions.
Since the COVID problem, we have not been having public meetings, instead, meet on ZOOM, or other internet platforms. Once we start again, I hope that Stephanie will come to sing for us again, and we will invite others to enjoy her singing.
Stephanie is always very professional and engages with others in our programs. She is well liked and respected, not just for her voice but also for her quality of character. She is someone who truly lives for the sake of others, giving what she has of herself to uplift and empower others.
I feel blessed to be considered her friend.

Cody Herd Organist and Singer

After working with Stephanie Thompson as my Vocal coach, my singing improved dramatically.I would highly recommend Stephanie if you’re a singer at any level.I had better breath support and my natural voice really came out so that I was singing more freely and my voice was stronger. Now I love singing even more than ever because I’m so comfortable with my technique and my confidence level is through the roof. She has the ability to really delve into your voice and bring out the best voice you have!

George Chanos

Communities are the essence of social engagement. They’re where we learn, teach, make connections, form relationships, and thrive. Aimmee Kodachian has created the Empowering Humanity TV show, with a live audience, to provide a community for people who want to create positive change, learn, network and interact, in furtherance of their own goals and in service to others. It’s an entertaining and empowering opportunity that’s well worth your time and support

Judi Moreo

Aimmee Kodachian has done it again. Her TV show “Empowering Humanity” does exactly that…empowers! Her guests are entertaining, educational, and exciting. The interviews are incredibly well done. But actually, the show is more than a show, it is an event. The live audience gets an opportunity to network with other members of the audience as well as the guests on the show. Now tell me, what other show does that? Aimmee is building a culture of positive individuals who are making every effort to make the world a better place. She certainly deserves all of our support