Discover How to End Limiting Beliefs

Discover How to End Limiting Beliefs

By Judi Moreo

Are limiting beliefs holding you back from achieving your goals? You can end them if you want to.

Limiting beliefs are often ingrained within us from a very young age. You may feel that you can’t do math as you weren’t good at it in school and your teachers may have reinforced that feeling by telling you that you weren’t any good at it. If you suffered bullying as a child, then you may feel that you are worthless.

Our subconscious minds store everything we experience through our senses. Some of these will be hidden away but others will be recalled, often unwillingly, throughout our lives. They can hamper development by creating a limiting belief.

Many who are overweight will continue to stay that way as they have been told that they have always been fat, ‘it’s in the genes’ or perhaps they have tried diets that failed.

Mind-set is a key component in goal achievement. It is also crucial for mental programming. The mind is a powerful tool and, if used correctly, and programmed well can help you achieve your goals and the life you desire.

How to end limiting beliefs

  • Identify the outcome you wish to achieve. Be specific. For example, don’t set a goal of losing weight, instead set a goal of losing 20 pounds.
  • Identify the limitations or problems that are holding you back from achieving the goal. For example, if you are overweight, it may be that you eat too many snacks or don’t limit your portion sizes.
  • Take ownership of the limiting beliefs and problems. It is important in this step that you do not apportion blame or any recriminations. For example, simply write down that you eat too many sugary foods every day.
  • Analyze what has held you back and why. Journaling is a powerful tool to help with this step. If your goal is to lose weight, then keeping a food diary and adding notes of how you feel and what you do each day can help you identify any situations that may trigger binge eating.
  • Create the change you need to achieve your desired outcome. The following are methods you may choose to use to help you with this step:
  • Self-hypnosis
  • The Swish
  • Mental movies
  • Affirmations
  • Visualization
  • Hypnotherapy
  • Coaching
  • NLP

If you choose a method that does not succeed then don’t give up. Try another method as that may suit you better.

The key to successfully ending limiting beliefs is not only the five steps above but also your mind-set. It is essential that you believe in yourself and that you want to make the change. As Henry Ford said,

“Whether you think you can or think you can’t – you’re right!”


Judi Moreo is one of the most recognized personal growth trainers and coaches in the world. She is the author of 24 books including 2 international bestsellers, “You Are More Than Enough” and “Ignite the Spark.”  As a personal achievement coach, Judi will help you discover that you really are More Than Enough to achieve the success you desire.  She has informed, inspired, challenged, motivated and entertained audiences in twenty-nine countries around the globe.   Judi has received many awards including the Woman of Achievement, Entrepreneur; the Nevada Business Person of the Year; has been inducted into the Business Hall of Fame; and in 2020, received a HerStory Award from the Women’s Federation for World Peace. To contact Judi Moreo, or 702-283-4567.

How To Stay Positive in Challenging Times (5 Steps)

Are you having trouble staying in a positive state of mind when challenging circumstances present themselves? The Universal Laws state: so without, so within. Everything is a mirror. We cannot change the reflection, but we can change the original (ourselves), and then, automatically, the reflection changes. Here are my top 5 Keys that can help you cultivate not only a positive mindset, but also the feeling state necessary for the positive Law of Attraction. The more you focus on bringing awareness to accepting and loving yourself, the more your inner beauty and harmony is reflected in your outer circumstances.




Relax and accept the challenging situation. Don’t fight it because that will make it worse. The more relaxed you are, the more productive you are. Creativity arises out of a relaxed state. And it’s creativity that you need to come up with solutions to the situation you are in. Notice that I use the word “situation” and not the word “problem”. There is no such thing as a problem, only a situation. When you shift your perspective and see the situation as it is,without negative commentary, then you come up with creative solutions, and/or you find the right person to help you.




Make a practice of watching the thoughts of the mind with non-judgment and compassion for yourself. It is not the thoughts that are the problem, it is our identification with them that creates stress and anxiety. For 5 minutes a day sit with eyes closed, body relaxed, and observe the thoughts of the mind. You don’t have to censor them, or force them to be other than they are, simply observe with non-judgment, and let them pass by. Over time, you become less identified with the thoughts, and more connected to your creativity, wisdom and clarity.




A powerful way to undermine the influence of negative thoughts on your well being is to create a practice of saying positive thoughts to yourself. At the beginning these might seem tedious or silly, but believe me, it works! The easiest way to break a bad habit of self-judgment and criticism is to create positive phrases that you repeat to yourself as often as possible. Even if you don’t really believe them in the beginning, say them anyway! Over time they become a habit and the negative thoughts simply dissolve.




Be alert to people who like to complain, bad-mouth others, and/or have a depressed outlook on life. AVOID THEM. Keep yourself in the company of positive thinking people. This is a powerful way to keep yourself in a positive energy field which will LIFT YOU, rather than bring you down. Your life is not determined by outside circumstances, but rather by how you respond to those outside circumstances. Remember that all things are possible, there is a lot going on that is unseen to you. The more you keep yourself on a positive vibrational level, the greater your chances of having positive outcomes to challenging situations.




Be grateful for what you have. If things are really bad, be grateful for being able to breathe, get out of bed in the morning, use your legs. Be grateful for the sunrise and sunset, for the beauty of the sky, the trees, the birds and flowers. There is always something to be grateful for. Put your focus there and celebrate what you have. Laughter is a powerful attractor factor. Seek out ways to bring more laughter into your life. You will be amazed at the miracles that occur.





Benefits: When you befriend the mind you are surprised how radically life can change. It becomes much easier to disidentify from the mind’s constant chattering and see yourself, and life’s situations, with more clarity and objectivity. You see life’s dramas with perspective and compassion, and insights and understandings arise naturally.


Directions: Find ways to befriend your mind. The mind is our bridge from the subconscious to the conscious, our gateway of expression to the outer world. Be grateful for it. Find ways to appreciate the insights, understandings, and creativity it brings. See it not as an enemy but as a friend.


As this friendship with the mind deepens, your mind no longer disturbs you. You are not fighting it; you are simply letting it’s thoughts pass by. Your ego/ mind wants to make things complicated, but they are not. Life sings a different tune when you are not controlled by the mind. Your natural joy, spontaneity, self-acceptance, love and compassion arise quickly and easily.



If you would like to publish this article on your website or magazine, you have my permission as long as you include the following: Reproduced with permission from Pragito Dove

Taking Chances for Bigger Thrills

Taking Chances for Bigger Thrills

By Judi Moreo

People want to be safe in everything they experience. We always want to see if others experienced something before we decide to pursue that experience ourselves. But the very idea of staying safe can actually bring us to a point of not living the life we really want to live.

Take skydiving, for instance. Many people would shy away from jumping out of an airplane as they fear the parachute won’t open when it is supposed to. Even having a reserve or emergency parachute will not change their minds. And there certainly have been instances where both the main parachute and the reserve did not open and the skydiver plunged to his or her death.

So, why do people do such things as skydiving or mountain climbing, etc.? The answer is because they get a thrill from doing it. Many will call it a “head rush” but it means the same thing. Natural thrill seekers and daredevils never seem to have a problem with the risks associated with these activities. But for everyone else, it can take a lot to muster up the courage and go on a thrill seeking adventure.

If you want to break through this, the way to do it is to choose activities that don’t have as high a perceived risk. For instance, many indoor rock climbing facilities harness the participants so that if they slip, the harness will keep them from falling to the ground. The thrill can still be there for these less risky activities. And it is often a great stepping stone for moving onto higher risk thrills.

A portion of taking chances (or not) is part of a person’s traits. As mentioned previously, some people are naturally prone to taking big chances while others would never conceive of doing such things. However, we all have the ability to push ourselves past our own traits. Often, this is accomplished with the help of friends that are thrill seekers themselves. Since they have experience in various thrill seeking activities and are still alive to talk about it, you may feel more at ease when trying them out for yourself when those friends are with you. They can also answer any questions you have about the activities that you may not be clear about.

Whether you will ever make it to daredevil status (and whether you should) depends on several factors including your own personality. But consider pushing yourself to a place where you take chances that you would not normally take. It can be the thrill of a lifetime!

Judi Moreo is one of the most recognized personal growth trainers and coaches in the world. She is the author of 24 books including 2 international bestsellers, “You Are More Than Enough” and “Ignite the Spark.”  As a personal achievement coach, hypnotherapist, and NLP practitioner, Judi will help you discover that you really are More Than Enough to achieve the success you desire.  She has informed, inspired, challenged, motivated and entertained audiences in twenty-nine countries around the globe.   Judi has received many awards including the Woman of Achievement, Entrepreneur; the Nevada Business Person of the Year; has been inducted into the Business Hall of Fame; and in 2020, received a HerStory Award from the Women’s Federation for World Peace. To contact Judi Moreo, or 702-283-4567.

Do You Practice What You Preach

Do You Practice What You Preach?

Stephanie Thompson

Do you practice what you preach?  I had occasion the other day to really take that to heart. The Thompson family of which I’m a prominent member, has a history of trick backs.  I recently went to the doctor and described my back pain and where it was located and he was a really good doctor. He asked me a multitude of questions to rule everything else out and after he was through with his physical examination, he said, “Well, I think you have a back strain.  I’m going to order you a shot and give you two prescriptions.  One is for Ibuprofen and the other is for a muscle relaxant.”  

So, I got the shot and I must admit it did initially help a lot.  I took the Ibuprofen every eight hours for eight days.  I only took the muscle relaxant once because it made me drowsy.  After the eight days were up, you guessed it, my back pain was back.  I had no more of the Ibuprofen prescription and I could only take the muscle relaxant at night, so I took some Advil and suffered.  After a day of that, I had enough and thought to myself, I can’t live like this.

The next day, after a rough night and persistent back pain and nothing helping, I told myself, I can’t just wait this out, I have to do something.  And then a funny thing happened.  I started to think about all of the different resources I’ve read and talked about how music is healing, so I decided to practice what I preach.  As a professional singer, I practice every day, so I thought ok, I’m going to do an experiment.  I’m going to go into my studio and practice and sing and see what effect this has on the pain in my back.   So, I did exactly that.  For an hour, I warmed up my voice and walked around and practiced different songs.  And do you know what?  Those acts of singing and practicing reduced my pain considerably, to the point that I almost forgot I had any pain in the first place.  As I’m sitting and writing this article, my back pain has subsided to a dull roar and all I did was sing.   And it is definitely possible for anyone to have a similar experience. The beauty of it is that you don’t have to be a professional singer to reap the benefits of singing.   

Why did singing help my back?  Well, it’s actually a scientific fact that singing can have a positive impact on your health.  For one thing, as cited on, singing improves our overall mental health because it releases endorphins and it increases our mental alertness, by sending more oxygen to the brain, affecting our concentration and memory.   According to an article I read recently in healthline,*singing has a positive effect on stress because it can lower the cortisol levels in your body. I can attest to that because singing for me is a stress releaser.  I’ve noticed a difference between when I just listen to music and when I’m singing my heart out and actually they did a study where they observed a group of people who sang and the other group just listened to music. The group that listened to music was calmer, but the singing group had higher levels of Immunoglobulin A, which is an antibody that fights infection.  

There are other instances in my life, when I was going through hard times and singing was very cathartic for me.  Even if I would be part singing part crying, after I was done, I would feel better.  I was teaching one of my young students the other day and I stopped her at one point and said, “ How did you feel just now when you were singing that part?”  She looked at me and said, “Good.”  I told her, “Do you know when you sing like that from your heart, you create joy for me listening to it?”  She nodded her head no.  “Well, it’s true.” I told her. “It brings me happiness to hear you sing.”  That was a revelation to her.  So, the next time you’re feeling a bit blue or you’re having some pain, bust out a song or sing in the shower or do a little karaoke.  I think you might be amazed at the results. 10 Ways that Singing Benefits your Health  Medically reviewed by Debra Rose Wilson, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT — Written by Rebecca Joy Stanborough, MFA on November 10, 2020

If you enjoyed this article, you might enjoy some of my other articles at

Enjoy your Music.❤️  

Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Game

By Judi Moreo

“You will become what you think about most; your success or failure in anything, large or
small, will depend on your programming – what you accept from others, and what you say
when you talk to yourself.” Shad Helmstetter

You have decided to make a change to your game. There is something about you or your technique
that you are unhappy or dissatisfied with and you want to change. Remember, whatever you wish
to change, there is one thing that will be the same in all instances. You. It is you who needs to create
the change and it is you who needs to change.

The human mind is fascinating and a topic of many studies. To help with understanding, the analogy
of a computer is often used. The brain is the physical component and often likened to computer
∫hardware. The mind is composed of two parts, the conscious and subconscious. The subconscious
is often referred to as the unconscious; the two terms are interchangeable. Your mind which
controls your thoughts, actions and beliefs is often referred to as the software.

If your mind is the software that controls everything you think and do, then it is important to realize
that its programming began with you. Everything you have ever seen, heard or felt was taken in and
accepted as truth. Your subconscious mind accepts what it is told as truth. The person you are now is
a result of years of programming. You may have bad habits that you have picked up somewhere
along the line.

Can you change your habits, behaviors, thoughts or beliefs?

Studies have shown that connections in the brain can be changed and these result in a change of
habits, thoughts and feelings. When you change these, you can change your game. Dr. Shad
Helmstetter, author of  ‘The Power of Neuroplasticity’ believes that every thought results in rewiring
in the brain and that this consequently creates a change in life. He believes that,

“What we believe determines our attitudes, affects our feelings, directs our behaviors and
determines our success or failure”

The key to successful mental programming is… you!

Regardless of the goal and desired outcome, you will need to identify the change to be made and
what you and your game will look like once it has been made. It is important that you can visualize
you achieving your goal.

If you want to create a change in your game, then you need to believe in yourself, your ability to
change and to succeed in making the change. It is essential that you are fully committed to making
the change.

If you choose to work with a coach, he will tell you that you are creating the change. He is merely
supporting you by providing tools, resources, guidance and a listening ear. You are at the center of
the process. It revolves around your goals and what you want to achieve.

If you have decided to make a change on your own, then you will need to:

  • Identify a change you wish to make (a goal);
  • Understand how you feel at the moment and what makes you feel that way;
  • Know why you want to make the change;
  • Understand how you will feel once you have made the change; and
  • Know what you and your game will look and feel like once the change has been made.


Make sure you write down your responses to the above points using all your senses. Create a really
detailed picture as your subconscious mind needs to be engaged, and you need to create emotions
to change those neural pathways.

You can use self-hypnosis, reframing, creative visualization or positive affirmations to help you
create your new mental programming. Whatever you wish to change and regardless of the method
you choose to use to create the new mental program, the key to success is you. You need to be
committed to creating the change. Change your thoughts and believe in your ability to change your
game. You are the key to the success.


Judi Moreo is one of the most recognized personal growth trainers and coaches in the world. She is
the author of 24 books including 2 international bestsellers, “You Are More Than Enough” and “Ignite
the Spark.” As a personal achievement coach, Judi will help you discover that you really are More
Than Enough to achieve the success you desire. She has informed, inspired, challenged, motivated
and entertained audiences in twenty-nine countries around the globe. Judi has received many
awards including the Woman of Achievement, Entrepreneur; the Nevada Business Person of the
Year; has been inducted into the Business Hall of Fame; and in 2020, received a HerStory Award
from the Women’s Federation for World Peace. To contact Judi Moreo, or 702-

A Guide to Goal Setting Strategies

Creating effective goal setting strategies is an important part of achieving success in any industry. It’s also something, the founder of and the magazine, know how to do.

“I can and I will. Set your goals and seek what sets your soul on fire” is the heart of my goal setting strategies. To help Empowering Humanity members and followers achieve their goals, I’ve created this free guide to goal setting strategies that work.

Seeking What Sets Your Soul on Fire

When I came to America, there weren’t many people who believed I could make it. Thirteen years of living through the Lebanese Civil War robbed me of an education beyond the 4th grade. I struggled with severe dyslexia that made reading and writing a painstaking affair. I couldn’t read, write, or speak English when I arrived.

But I was determined to succeed. Only in America was there a chance for me to make something of myself and escape the oppressive poverty and lack of opportunities that was holding me back. I moved forward, driven by my desire to provide a better life for my daughter and my dream of teaching others the wisdom I had learned.

Success was not easy for me. But by learning how to set and achieve goals, I accomplished what many only dream of doing: becoming an author, a keynote speaker, coach, a TV hostess, and an educator.

The Goal Setting Strategies that Made the Impossible Possible

Going from being unable to speak, read, or write English to becoming a published author was something many people would have said was impossible. But I not only found the way to make it possible, I sold around 3,000 copies of the first edition of my book between book signings, keynote speaking and online book stores. I would never say that it was easy to reach that goal, I worked hard at it. Most authors never sell more than 250 copies in the entire lifetime of the book. Here are the lessons I learned along the way.

1. Have a Clear Vision

I never set out to become an author, it found me. I wouldn’t have considered it if not for a vision I had in 2005 in which I clearly heard the words, “It’s time to share your story.”

When the vision came to me of sharing my story with the world in 2005, I wasn’t sure how I was going to accomplish it. Having the vision, though, gave me the ability to know what direction to head.

2. Know Why It Matters

This was something my beloved brother, Robert, told me right before he was killed when a bomb dropped on our living room right in front of me. “Once you know the why, the how will appear.”  Knowing why allowed me to move forward in spite of every well-intentioned person who sought to discourage me by pointing out all the obstacles I would face. When discouragement came, I could look to my why, and find the courage to keep going.

I focused on all those people who were facing dark times and were at risk of losing hope. I knew that sharing my story could help them hold onto hope and make it through.

3. Assess the Requirements and Plan for the Gaps

Writing a book required writing, something I couldn’t do at the time. Many people would have stopped and given up there, but I was motivated by my why. I knew there had to be a way forward.

Because of how I grew up, I knew how to make something from nothing. I figured things out by using the Negotiator Mind™ program that we all have. I tapped into my Negotiator Mind™ and I became a master at it.

Writing and promoting a book was a much more difficult and different, unlike your typical business, than I had ever experienced before. I like to say “books don’t have legs,” so I was putting in much more effort than other products and services I had sold before. Even though I was faced with challenges and it was hard to share my story, I continued to focus on my why, as hard as it was.

Giving up was not an option for me. I HAD to find a solution so I knew it was critical to find someone to help me write. And that’s what I did. I hired a ghostwriter to cover my gaps. To sum it up, if you know you’re not good at something, outsource your weaknesses, or think about it differently, brainstorm and write down different solutions and strengths you can leverage to make your way.

4. Break Big Goals into Small Chunks

Thinking about writing a book was overwhelming for me at first. However, I discovered that the task became easier to manage when I broke down the big goal into small chunks. Instead of focusing on writing the whole book, I focused on one component at a time.

Then, it was a matter of working with the ghostwriter chapter by chapter, to get the story written. Each time I took a step forward, I was one step closer to my goal of a finished book.

5. Start Ugly but Keep Pushing Toward Better

It took a year and a half from the time I started working with my first ghost writer to hold the first edition of my book, Tears of Hope, in my hands. The ghostwriter did a terrific job, but while I couldn’t put a finger on what it was, there was something missing from the book. However, I launched a speaking career to promote the book anyway.

Years, and several editions, of the book later, I realized what was missing. Advancements in technology allowed me to be the one to tell my own story. The change was dramatic. The seedling that got me started was maturing into a beautiful narrative that carried my heart and soul to those who read it.

The Lessons that Carried Me Forward

I took everything I learned from working on Tears of Hope into every project that came afterward: My public speaking career, founding and hosting a TV show, the development of my educational classes platform, community building, the work that’s begun on turning Tears of Hope into a major motion picture and movement, my Rise Above song revisions, and now my Empowering Humanity Magazine.

Helping Organizations and Employees Make the Impossible Possible

Discover how I have helped business owners, individuals, and employees make the impossible possible. In addition to my keynote speaking, I also offer coaching and consulting.

Preventing Alzheimer’s & Protecting the Brain

Preventing Alzheimer’s and protecting the brain is the focus of June’s Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month. Empowering Humanity offers these 5 tips for preventing Alzheimer’s and protecting the brain. After all, Empowering Humanity starts with the mind.

The Devastating Impact of Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s is a leading cause of dementia and death among seniors. In 2022, more than 6 million Americans were diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. That adds up to one out of every 60 Americans. Doctors estimate that number will grow to 13 million by 2030. 

Causes of Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s is caused by a combination of genetics, lifestyle, age, and traumatic injuries. These combine together, attacking the brain’s soft tissues. These attacks leave holes like swiss cheese that erase areas where memories live. The result is the slow eating away of the ability to remember, communicate, and even care for themselves.

5 Tips for Preventing Alzheimer’s and Protecting the Brain

Little can be done about genetic heritage. However, prevention is possible. Preventing Alzheimer’s and protecting the brain begins with these 5 tips:

1. Take care of the body

Keeping the body fit and healthy is an important preventative measure. High cholesterol blocks the flow of blood to the brain’s soft tissues. The blockage prevents the brain from healing damaged areas.

Excess body fat causes fat deposits to build up on the neural pathways. These deposits block the signals between neurons, slowing or even stopping brain activity. Over time, it causes their death.

2. Keep the mind active

Participating in activities that force the brain to engage in problem-solving, such as puzzles, games, and learning new things, is another way to prevent Alzheimer’s. The more that the brain is challenged, the more neurons it grows. Those neurons keep neural pathways open by allowing the brain to replace older, damaged neurons.

3. Limit Drug and Alcohol Use

Studies show that drug and alcohol usage is a contributing factor in the development of Alzheimer’s and can accelerate the rate of progression in patients that have it. Prescription medications are no exception. Reducing or eliminating as many drugs as possible from the system is ideal.

4. Reduce Stress

It’s no secret that stress harms the brain. The stressed brain releases the hormone cortisol which disrupts neural pathways. These disruptions make rational thinking and logical decision-making harder. When stress continues for long periods of time, these neural pathways die off and begin to decay. 

5. Seek Help for Depression

Extended bouts of depression contribute to the development of Alzheimer’s. The depressed brain chews through the brain’s normal supply of melatonin and depletes it. It then begins to convert serotonin into melatonin to make up for the loss. Melatonin is an important ingredient in protecting neurons from decay.

Preventing Alzheimer’s and Protecting the Brain with Empowering Humanity

Empowering Humanity offers both free and paid classes to help members prevent Alzheimer’s and protect the brain by keeping the mind active and reducing stress.