Cat Schelling

Aimmee’s story is a must-read for Americans yearning to sense the reality of life in war-torn Middle Eastern countries. It’s a story of forgiveness, resilience and ultimately transformation…how these redemptive qualities can lead to the realization of life’s dreams, even when born out of the most devastating circumstances. It’s hard to say, “I loved this book,” for I cannot love the things that brought it about. I can say I love that Aimmee shared this powerful story and with it, reminded us all of the power of love. Thank you, Aimmee!

James Rick Stinson

Life’s challenges no matter how unpleasant, are opportunities to reveal who we are and what we are meant to do. Aimee demonstrates as long as you are listening to the higher self and ready to answer to a higher calling, all experiences serve an important purpose, even if its not clear at the time they are happening.

Aimmee discovered through her great trials, you always hold the key to your own freedom. Her story is something of a wonder for her to not only be alive, but to be such a positive force in the service of others. She is a light that has shined through the dark times of war and continues to illuminate a path to living a better life.

If you want to know see how ANY major challenge or set back in life can be used as fuel for your Soul’s journey, read Aimee’s book Tears of Hope

Rev. Maria J Boyd

As a Minister and a Pastor, I have ministered to men, women and even teenagers. Many of the stories I’ve heard would break your heart. However, none has ever touched me as deeply as Aimmee’s story. Not taking away from any of those other stories, I must however say that “Tears of Hope” is one of the most compelling stories of tragedy, strength and courage I’ve ever heard or read.

“Tears of Hope” is a glimpse into what faith, love and courage can overcome. It’s a story everyone, regardless of gender, age, religion, nationality or even financial status, can relate to, and benefit from at some level. “Tears of Hope” is billed as the story of a Middle Eastern Cinderella. I’m here to tell you that Aimmee’s story makes Cinderella’s story look like a walk in the park. It is by far more compelling because it’s not a fairytale but the true story of an amazing woman’s struggles to overcome what seemed like insurmountable obstacles in her life. She teaches us that anything is possible if you don’t lose faith in God and you don’t give up. I encourage everyone to read this wonderfully inspiring true story of an amazingly strong and courageous woman. Let her story encourage and inspire you. May the Lord always keep you in His right hand of righteousness

Angelika Selle President

This is the story of a woman of our time who rose above and mastered unimaginable human suffering and despair, faced impossible situations and was able to transform the most daunting obstacles into a path of light for others.
This is a book whose time has come!

SoFeya Joseph

We all have a story — a story of heartache and triumph. Aimmee’s story of unspeakable hardships and tribulations from early childhood and her relentless will to survive is a true testament to the power of the human Spirit. While it would be easy to fall into a state of sympathy for her misfortunes, that is not what Aimmee wants to accomplish with her message. Her message of love, forgiveness, hope, and peace shall inspire her readers to take a different look at their life.

I was moved by Aimmee’s heartfelt belief that she was chosen to carry on her challenges to prepare for her special destiny in the future — to empower humanity! Like Victor Frankl was able to transform the horrors of the Holocaust to remind us of the power of purpose, Aimmee’s story brings us the message of hope. But unlike Frankl, Aimmee accomplished her feats with just a fourth-grade education! Her wisdom is raw and authentic, her writing style is exquisite, and will touch the very core of your being. Don’t let one tear drop without hope to fulfill your purpose in life.

Jan Dunnagan

Oh my goodness…clarity – confirmation – inspiration – insights – tools – motivation – loved this seminar Aimmee…thanks ever-so for sharing who you are so we can explore more of who we are!!! loved it! Love you!!! Keep going…”

Cindie Schum

My income increased $35,000 after I received coaching from Aimmee. What an inspiring and methodical instructor Aimmee is… I am so looking forward to another successful year. Because of her guidance and the ongoing success in my business and personal life, I follow everything Aimmee teaches. I highly recommend anyone who wants to improve their life or business, to check out what Aimmee has to offer!

Eric Johnson

“In a world filled with experts and speakers, Aimmee Kodachian is truly unique one of a kind. What’s amazing and powerful about her classes is that Aimmee shares her engaging lessons, insights and wisdom that she learned throughout her incredible journey.
After finishing the classes, I felt more inspired, informed and focused. Seeing my life and business from a different perspective helped me get clear on what I want, know my why, and work toward making it happen.
Life only rewards action. Investing in these classes is a small price to pay for all the rewards and change that you will receive.’

Miro Merhi

I thought by having a solid understanding of the fundamentals of life that I had exactly what I needed to achieve success in life. Aimmee quickly showed me that having a solid foundation is only part of achieving one’s greatness. She walks us through each of our preconceived notions that are blocking us from moving forward, then shows us how to retrain our mind with the correct mindset to approach each hurdle, slowly transforming the way our minds overcome prior mind blocks, which now have become smaller obstacles we can overcome.Thanks to Aimmee for showing me how to transform my approach to handling different situations. In a magical way, she makes sense of situations of how the human mind works and gives us a way to work around these blocks we commonly come across. The knowledge I learned from this course is priceless! Thank you, Aimmee Kodachian

Rev. Maria Boyd

From the first time I heard Aimmee speak at one of her events, I knew this lady had something Special. That special day, Aimmee touched my life in many ways. She opened my mind and heart, which caused me to start focusing on my purpose in life.

Recently I called upon her expertise to help me take my Vision to the next level. I was so glad I did because once again, Aimmee used her Amazing talent. She was able to help me turn my program from a good idea to a great, powerful, needed program. This was all done by using a simple solution (simple for Aimmee) by presenting the program through a different perspective. I know Aimmee has a Special Ability that can help you with your mission by Guiding you and giving you a clear Direction to your destination.