GOODBYE EQUALITY, HELLO HARMONY Women Empowering Men’s Lives for Humanity’s Benefit By Dr. Pauline Crawford, PHD


Women Empowering Men’s Lives for Humanity’s Benefit

By Dr Pauline Crawford, PHD, Founder of Corporate Heart International.

In today’s post pandemic world, I wonder if women can rise courageously – without antagonism – and accept the mandate to empower a transition to Authentic Harmony between men and women? Could a subtle shift in direction be how women empower men to become wise men; men utilizing positive masculinity to guide affairs in an inclusive, compassionate manner, acknowledging all contributions as valid, equivalent, and valuable?

Saying Goodbye to Equality is by no means rejecting all great achievements in the sphere of women’s rights. I celebrate and am grateful for where we are now. Is it time, however, to co-create a new landscape and language for humanity as we move toward a future of mutually beneficial choices.

Women know that life is neither equal nor balanced. We are half of the world population, yet with only half the control! There are women holding political and corporate leadership positions, but the percentage is minimal and considering the last 100 years, we are far from achieving joint custody economically or socially.

Women came into a man’s world at the outset of WW2 and took on major roles that helped win the war.  They decided not to leave as life returned to normal.  The stage was finally set for the fight for their rights to continue_._ Women have fought with men who never wanted equality for much too long. The fight has been, and still is, tough and arduous. My question is must it be so? Surely empowered women are agile, strategic, sensitive, strong, savvy in business and the keepers of family harmony? I believe women want to maintain their natural harmonic song together w_ith men._

  • Women are natural relationship builders, and increasingly creating successful businesses
  • Half of the world’s population – 49.59% are women – and 2.2 of the 3.9 billion are mothers
  • “Every human being is some mother’s child” and only women are capable of reproducing

My purpose on this planet is to evolve a new human awareness on multiple levels including emotional and spiritual levels as mindful feelings become a valuable driver for accepting women as equal and different. Acknowledging that women have yet to gain full equality is the next step forward. The argument of women’s inequality and marginalization is undoubtedly a trigger issue for tension and continued fighting for justice.

In my current experiences across the globe, talking with men and women about progress on this topic, through a movement called Positive Masculinity, I’ve learned that there is an opportunity now to co-create a _Joint Custody World t_hat serves all purposes – economic, social, and spiritual – for empowering humans to love one another therein achieving harmony.


To read Dr. Pauline’s amazing full article, click on this link and get your FREE access to Empowering Humanity Magazine™ Now!

What Does It Mean When You are “Going Pro®”? By: Jim Cathcart, CSP, CPAE

What Does It Mean When You are “Going Pro®”?

By: Jim Cathcart, CSP, CPAE

A professional is not defined by the business he is in, but rather by the way he is in business.

In other words, how he does it.

Here are the 5 defining factors in whether you are a Professional in your field:

  1. You are Highly Educated for what you do.
  2. Your education is Never-ending, Life-long and Continual.
  3. You do it as a Service to others.
  4. You do it for Pay.
  5. You perform according to a set of Ethical Standards.

If you are a true Pro, then those five qualifiers apply to you.

You can choose to turn Pro in your field. No matter what you do for a living, you can choose to become a professional at doing it. But, be aware, when you declare that you are “Going Pro®”, the rules you operate by, and the expectations placed upon you will rise. Amateurs and hobbyists don’t operate by the same rules. A Pro intentionally takes on more responsibility and accountability in order to advance.

Step one in Going Pro® is to select your level of aspiration. How high on the mountain do you want to climb? We all aspire to something that is better than where we are today, but the highest levels of achievement require much more commitment from you than the lower ones.

To which of these levels do you aspire in your field?

  • Competent
  • Excellent
  • Mastery
  • Leading Authority
  • Celebrity
  • Star
  • SuperStar

All of these are worthy of respect and any is OK for you to choose. Determine now which one you really want to commit to achieving…


To read Jim’s insightful full article, click on this link and get your FREE access to Empowering Humanity Magazine™ Now!

“Remain Calm Even In The Midst Of Chaos (Yes! It is possible!)” By Pragito Dove

Remain Calm Even In The Midst Of Chaos
(Yes! It is possible!)

By Pragito Dove CCH, MDE

Being calm isn’t always easy, let alone when chaos erupts around you. The magic key is that you have to cultivate a practice of being calm – and that practice must be consistent.

Consistency is the key. More important than the length of time your practice is, do it consistently, every day. Three minutes every day will bring you the results you want quicker than one hour of practice once a week.

Here are eight tips to help you on your way:

1. Make a decision to create calm in your life – even when life gets chaotic. This decision is powerful in helping you maintain your daily practice. Know this is possible to achieve, even if it seems impossible when you start. Keep going and the results will come. Don’t give up. If you forget one day, start again the next day.

2. Breathe consciously as often as you remember. Take three deep breaths when you get up, in the shower, waiting for your coffee, driving in traffic, sitting at your desk…whenever you remember throughout your day. Three deep breaths.

Ignore negative thoughts trying to undermine your practice. Breathing is the cornerstone of remaining calm, relaxed and at ease. Your body is always breathing! The key is to sync up your mind to your body, so they are working together, rather than at odds with each other.

When the body and mind are disconnected, stress is created. Breathing is the simplest, easiest way, to reconnect your body/mind. An added bonus – breathing is free!

3. Take time for yourself – every day. To stay sane, you must take at least a few minutes, 5 – 15 – 30 minutes or more is better, to be with yourself. Go outside, take a walk, look at the sky, the trees, the flowers, listen to the birds. Allow the stress of the day to slip off your shoulders and savor some moments of joy.

4. Process your emotions. If you are upset about something, or with someone, give yourself time to recognize the emotions and allow them.(through Expressive Meditation Techniques, or punch some pillows, go for a run, etc.) It’s important not to stuff emotions, and also not to start yelling at someone who has hurt you. Rather, wait…express the emotions privately, and then, when you feel more calm, express how you are feeling to a friend, family member, or, if possible, to the person who upset you.


To read Pragito’s life-changing full article, click on this link and get your FREE access to Empowering Humanity Magazine™ Now!

“The Family as Human Trafficking Prevention” By Adia Lancaster

The Family as Human Trafficking Prevention

By Adia Lancaster

Once her mom pulled into the driveway, Pam raced out of the car and straight into her room, shut the door, plopped on her bed, and began to speed text her new love interest. Even though they met only a few weeks ago, Pam feels she’s known Jay since grade school. He’s the only person that gets her. Jay always lets her know how much he loves all her quirks, even though she despises herself for them. He understands that she is old enough to make her own decisions and shares her disgust for her parents, who are too controlling. He gets that it’s not easy being 14 and entirely ignored by her old group of friends, but she has him now, and they can brave the world together.

Jay asks to meet in person. Pam is nervous but crazy excited. She has to make it work out somehow, but how? Well, her parents have no idea what’s been going on with her and her friends at school; for all they know, they think she’s still good friends with Lisa. Pam hatched a plan to ask her parents if she could sleep over at Lisa’s to meet Jay. Pam’s parents agree to let her spend the night at Lisa’s. She quickly packs her things, shouting to her parents that she’s leaving. Hurriedly bouncing out the door, Pam’s heart is beating out of her chest as she walks to the corner where Jay said he’ll pick her up. As Pam reaches the corner, a car pulls up with the windows down, and an older guy she doesn’t recognize tells her to get in. Pam is terrified and freezes, not knowing what to do – run away or go with this strange man? He tells her that he’s Jay and is finally happy to meet Pam. Pam hesitates, opens the car door, and gets in.

Pam, who was reported missing by her parents, was commercially sexually exploited and sold online for two weeks until they reunited with her.

Commercial sexual exploitation is a form of human trafficking, specifically sex trafficking. Also known as modern-day slavery, human trafficking happens when a person is controlled through force, fraud, or coercion to exploit them for personal or commercial gain. Since Pam was a minor and induced to perform commercial sex acts, the critical components of force, fraud, or coercion don’t apply to her, making her automatically a victim of sex trafficking.

To read Adia’s eye-opening full article, click on this link and get your FREE access to Empowering Humanity Magazine™ Now!

The Nutritional Deficiency & Mental Health Connection

The Nutritional Deficiency & Mental Health Connection By Karen Mayo

The way we eat matters. Whether we admit it or not, food affects our mental, physical and emotional well-being. But eating isn’t just about counting calories or eliminating fats or carbohydrates, rather it’s about understanding the scientific effects food has in our bodies and the larger picture of the food/body connection.

Mental and physical health can be dramatically improved with a nutrient-dense, healthy diet. Many times, deficiency of essential vitamins and minerals can inhibit brain function and increase symptoms of depression, and anxiety.

Understand the Signs of Nutritional Deficiencies

Mental health disorders can be caused by various factors such as psychological, biological, genetic, environmental, and circumstantial. Nutritional deficiencies are the most overlooked biological element to someone’s mental well-being.

The best way to know where your deficiency is, is to get a complete blood panel because it’s unique to each person. If your diet doesn’t comprise of nutrient-rich foods, consider nutritional supplements for the following top 5 nutrients needed for optimal brain function.

5 Nutrients Needed for Optimal Brain Function

Vitamin D regulates the production of adrenaline, noradrenaline, and dopamine, and plays a role as an important hormone for brain function. Vitamin D deficiency manifests in a variety of ways including fatigue, muscle weakness, hair loss, bone pain, and mood changes.

Foods to Recommend: A diet rich in vitamin D natural sources such as eggs, fatty fish such as sock-eyed salmon or trout, mushrooms, fortified foods like Basmati brown rice, goat cheese, and gluten-free oats should be consumed.

Vitamin B deficiency can contribute to depression, anxiety, and mood swings. It is associated with a disruption in the nervous system as well as the circulatory system.

Foods to Recommend: Folate is present in dark green vegetables, beans, peas, citrus fruits, and legumes such as lentils and garbanzo beans

The deficiency of magnesium is known to increase symptoms related to mental disorders, such as agitation, anxiety, confusion, insomnia, hallucinations, and depression.

Foods to Recommend: Include magnesium-rich foods, such as pumpkin seeds, dark organic chocolate at least 72%, and almonds, to help alleviate some stress during the day as a snack between breakfast and dinner.

Omega-3 fatty acids are vital for brain function, supporting mental sharpness, and positive mood. Symptoms of omega-3 fatty acid deficiency include fatigue, poor memory, dry skin, heart problems, mood swings or depression, and poor circulation.

Foods to Recommend: Oily fish such as sock-eyed salmon, and mackerel are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. These healthy fats can also be found in flaxseed and walnuts.

Probiotics are the most ignored deficiency that creates the worst symptoms that affect millions of people worldwide. Probiotics are a mix of live bacteria and yeast that live naturally in the human gastrointestinal tract that promote healthy digestion, support a healthy response to stress, and promote positive mood. Mental health issues that have been linked to an unhealthy gut include ADD/ADHD, anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Physical issues include autoimmune problems, digestive issues, sleep issues, skin rashes, allergies, and the rollercoaster of sugar cravings.

Foods to Recommend: Probiotics support the important gut/brain connection.

Just like anything else please do due diligence, more is not always better.


Karen Mayo is an Award-winning international best-selling author of Mindful Eating, Amen Clinics Integrative Nutritionist, a board-certified integrative nutrition health and lifestyle coach, Sports nutritionist, the author of three books, a natural foods chef, and a certified clinical hypnotherapist.


“What is Success?” By Joan S. Peck

What is Success? By Joan S. Peck

It’s easy to confuse what success is because what success means for one may not be what success means for another.

Does success mean more money? The word “money” by itself holds power over us. We all want it, and it’s usually never enough for most of us – we want more. It seems the more we have, the more we want.

Does it mean we must work harder or spend more hours working to be successful in whatever we pursue? From an early age, we are taught if we are to succeed in anything; we must struggle and work hard – that nothing comes easily. Many of us even brag about the number of hours we have worked in a day or week, throwing that number out as if it were a prize to be had.

Can success be something simple like being happy and enjoying life? Yet, we often misjudge those who aren’t interested in grabbing the “brass ring” from the merry-go-round of big business and label them as lazy and less ambitious than the others, especially in large corporations.

Can we have both – money and happiness – and be successful?

I began researching what “successful” people outside of movie stars and sports players believed the keys were to their success. I discovered that truly happy, successful people matched their success to the “tenets of good living.” Interestingly, many of these “tenets” were taught to them as children, while other successful people had been forced to adapt to them from experiences that hadn’t worked out for them.

Here is what I found to be the traits of successful people who may not have listed them as keys to success but have exhibited them in the behavior and actions they demonstrate:

1 They have persistence.

This is the number one trait behind success.

2 They don’t compare, worry or spend their time thinking about what someone else has that they don’t.

They have found purpose in what they are doing and how they are living that satisfies them, not needing input from others, although they are open to listening to others if it has value to them.

To read Joan’s enabling full article, click on this link and get your FREE access to Empowering Humanity Magazine™ Now!

“From No Self-Confidence to a Powerhouse” By Aimmee Kodachian

From No Self-Confidence to a Powerhouse By Aimmee Kodachian

“And every decade of your life your courage meter changes. The first 10 years you’re fearless until some adult tells you that you’re shy, or you’re a klutz, or you can’t do this, and you begin to believe them. Your teenage years are filled with self-doubt and hormones, your 20s you’re coming out of that phase and going okay, let me spread my wings and see if I can fly and some do and some die. And then your 30s you’re beginning to wonder if you should procreate and leave behind little versions of yourself. And then, in your 40s And 50s, you just get more courageous because you realize “Who cares? We’re all going to die. Let’s have a great life while we’re here.” -Dr. Forbes Riley.

When Forbes Riley enters a room, her presence is undeniable. She has inspiring energy and carries a unique kind of empowered womanhood within her. She is the embodiment of what it means to be successful and follow your dreams.

Forbes is a true powerhouse in the health, wellness, and lifestyle industries. She has inspired millions of individuals around the world with her empowering words and story of success.

From her best-selling books to her numerous appearances on QVC, CNN, and Fox Business News. Forbes has become a leader in the industry and an international public figure. She has achieved success as a fitness instructor certified by both the Pilates Method Alliance (PMA) and the National Academy of Fitness Professionals (NAFP).

Forbes also co-hosts the popular talk show “Spark” alongside wellness experts from across the globe. In addition, she is an award-winning philanthropist who supports numerous causes. She has created a successful brand and career through her determination, strength, and passion. By overcoming many obstacles in her life, she demonstrates what it means to be empowered and have self-belief.

Forbes is a living example of how you can achieve success despite any odds when you believe in yourself. She models what it means to be an empowered woman – strong in spirit, yet open-minded – creating a legacy that will last for generations.

Seven years ago, I was inspired by the magnetic presence of Forbes Riley when I saw her on television. Her grace and confidence were unparalleled and left a lasting impression on me. When I was invited to attend the “You Will Change the World” event, I had to attend – even though I was feeling less than my best.

When Forbes walked up to the stage, her presence was an undeniable force of energy that captivated the audience. Standing tall and proud, she radiated with a powerful light that shone brightly in the room. Her brilliant smile illuminated the entire auditorium, giving everyone a sense of joy.

When I heard about Forbes’s incredible and inspiring journey to success. I was filled with excitement and hope for humanity. After her presentation, people were waiting in line to talk to her and I was waiting patiently on the side for the right moment to speak to her.

When the time was right, I walked up to Forbes and introduced myself. I told her about my TV show and why she’s a great fit for my audience. She gave me a warm and beautiful smile, “Sure, I would love to. Let’s connect.” She told me.

It was an incredible moment – the woman who had inspired me with her powerful and uplifting spirit was now going to be featured on my show. Once again, I was filled with joy and happiness.

To read my interview with the beautiful and amazing Forbes Riley, click on this link and get your FREE access to Empowering Humanity Magazine™ Now! 

“The Art of Mindful Eating: Savoring Every Bite for a Healthier You” By Kamalini Mukerjee

The Art of Mindful Eating: Savoring Every Bite for a Healthier You By Kamalini Mukerjee

In a world of fast-paced lifestyles and constant distractions, we often find ourselves rushing through meals without giving much thought to what we’re eating. But what if we told you that the key to healthier and more fulfilling eating lies in slowing down and savoring every bite? Welcome to the art of mindful eating—a practice that goes beyond just nutrition and transforms the way we approach food. Join us as we explore the benefits and techniques of mindful eating and how it can lead to a healthier, happier you.

The Basics of Mindful Eating

At its core, mindful eating is about being fully present and engaged during meals. It means paying attention to the sensory experience of eating—savoring the flavors, textures, and aromas of each bite. Instead of rushing through a meal while scrolling through our phones or watching TV, mindful eating encourages us to sit down, disconnect from distractions, and focus solely on the act of nourishing our bodies.

Benefits of Mindful Eating

Mindful eating offers a plethora of benefits that extend far beyond just nutritional gains. Here are some of the reasons why it’s worth incorporating into your daily routine:

Improved Digestion: When we eat mindfully, we chew our food thoroughly, aiding the digestive process. This, in turn, can help alleviate digestive discomfort and improve nutrient absorption.

Weight Management: By being more attuned to hunger and fullness cues, mindful eating can prevent overeating and contribute to better weight management.

Reduced Stress: Taking the time to enjoy our meals in a relaxed manner can help reduce stress levels, as it creates a moment of calm and self-care in our busy lives.

Enhanced Satisfaction: Mindful eating allows us to truly appreciate the taste of our food, leading to increased satisfaction with smaller portions.

Read Kamalini’s engaging full article, click on this link and get your FREE access to Empowering Humanity Magazine™ Now! 

“How to Use Confidence to Build Stronger Relationships” By Judi Moreo

How to Use Confidence to Build Stronger Relationships By Judi Moreo

Confidence is a key factor in shaping both individual well-being and the dynamics of relationships. When you possess a strong sense of confidence, it positively impacts how you interact, connect, and communicate with others. Building better and stronger relationships requires the intentional use of confidence as a foundation for trust, respect, and genuine connection. Let’s explore the transformative power of confidence in fostering meaningful relationships and provide practical strategies to enhance your interpersonal interactions.

The Importance of Confidence in Connecting with Others

Confidence plays a crucial role in building strong relationships for several reasons:

Starting new connections: Confidence enables you to “put yourself out there” and initiate new relationships. When you feel self-assured, you are comfortable enough to engage with new people, opening doors to potential friendships or partnerships.

Authenticity and lasting relationships: Confidence allows you to stay true to yourself, leading to more genuine and enduring relationships. By presenting your authentic self, you establish a solid foundation based on honesty and sincerity.

Conflict resolution: Confidence helps you navigate conflicts and differences more effectively. With self-assurance, you can approach disagreements without defensiveness, accepting differing viewpoints and working towards resolutions in a rational and mindful manner.

Strategies for Enhancing Confidence in Building Stronger Relationships

Here are some effective methods to cultivate confidence and build stronger relationships:

To read Judi’s amazing full article, click on this link and get your FREE access to Empowering Humanity Magazine™ Now!