“Mindful Eating” By Karen Mayo

Mindful Eating

By: Karen Mayo

What keeps men up at night? Are they seeking more energy, better sleep, reduced stress, and an improved sex life? How about all of the above? These desires are all connected and can all be enhanced through proper nutrition.

A healthy diet of fruits, vegetables, and lean meats is crucial for men’s overall health and performance in bed. Enhancing blood flow and circulation is vital to achieving these benefits.

Low blood flow in the brain, heart, or libido affects all these areas. If there’s an issue in one area, it often indicates low flow in other areas. Knowing what to eat to support brain health is very important. Proper nutrition can improve relationships and overall well-being.

Circulation issues and high blood pressure are common among men and are significant causes of erectile dysfunction. Diabetes, a disease becoming increasingly common, can also lead to sexual dysfunction in men.

What keeps women up at night? Insomnia? Stress? Do you want more energy during the day? Need help getting that spark back in the bedroom?

Circulation issues are common in women, too. Eating healthy will increase blood flow throughout your body, brain, and libido.  Testosterone isn’t just a man’s issue. Healthy testosterone levels in women can help support sex drive, fertility, and a healthy menstrual cycle.  Less stress can lead to better sex. Taking charge of your sexual health will naturally boost the neurotransmitters that support optimal brain function.

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“Against All Odds: A Woman’s Remarkable Journey to Triumph and Transformation” By Aimmee Kodachian

Against All Odds: A Woman’s Remarkable Journey to Triumph and Transformation

By: Aimmee Kodachian

In a world where struggles often hinder the pursuit of dreams, Dr. Missy Johnson, affectionately known as “Miracle Missy,” is a beacon of resilience and hope. As the Founder of Fearless Women Rock LLC, she has turned her life’s most daunting challenges into a powerful platform for women to share their stories and inspire others. After spending over 20 years as a logistics manager for a Fortune 500 company, Dr. Missy’s life took an unexpected turn following multiple near-death experiences and a diagnosis of Stage 4 breast cancer.

Instead of succumbing to these trials, she lived on her terms, using her journey to empower women worldwide. Today, Dr. Missy is an award-winning speaker, coach, and four-time Amazon bestselling author whose mission is to give women hope in the face of adversity and help them become their best version.

Her body of work continues to abound, reaching millions through movies, speaking on stages, podcast interviews, and collaborations with networks such as BET, NBC, and FOX NEWS, alongside celebrities such as Michelle Williams, Marshawn Evans, Ta’Rhonda Jones, Eva Marcille, Yvette Nicole Brown, and Tressa “Azarel” Smallwood of MegaMind Media. Dr. Missy was honored with the prestigious President Obama Lifetime Achievement Award for her significant contributions and impact.

I first had the privilege of meeting Dr. Missy at a women’s empowerment event, where we were both invited as keynote speakers. Her incredible story of faith, resilience, and courage immediately captivated me and inspired me to share her remarkable journey. Recognizing the profound impact her knowledge and wisdom could have on others, I knew she would give people the hope they need to overcome their challenges.

Dr. Missy and I quickly blossomed into a meaningful friendship. Our shared commitment to making a difference has kept us connected, each conversation revealing new facets of our journeys. In the face of such immense personal challenges, one might wonder what drives someone to make such a significant career change and turn around and help others. To delve deeper into her inspiring journey, I asked Dr. Missy a few questions.

A: Dr. Missy, what motivated you to leave your corporate career and start Fearless Women Rock LLC despite your challenges?

M: After being offered a buyout, I left my corporate career, but my journey didn’t start with women—it began with high school kids. In the corporate world, I was seen as an inspirational coach for employees, so when I left, I thought, “Why not continue?” Initially…

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“From Rock to Diamond: The Alchemy of Mind and Spirit” By SoFeya SahRa Joseph

From Rock to Diamond: The Alchemy of Mind and Spirit

By: SoFeya SahRa Joseph

Many years ago, when I coached competitive figure skating, I was obsessed with understanding why some athletes became champions while others failed despite having similar or even superior physical abilities. I would watch skaters practice complex maneuvers with consistent precision, only to crumble under pressure at competitions, year after year. These athletes would return, work even harder on their technique, yet despair after another disappointing performance. On the other hand, some consistently performed at their best under pressure. Something wasn’t adding up.

Work ethic, habits, and technique were not the only factors determining success. “Talent” was often used to describe the ‘lucky winners,’ while “psychology” was blamed for those with ‘faulty minds.’ However, I couldn’t rely on “luck” to coach only “talented” students. I needed to find a way to elevate the performance of my ‘faulty-minded’ students. Traditional sports psychology tools were not meeting the demands of my sport. Mental training requires long, unnatural, ineffective preparation in a high-paced, high-pressure, competitive environment. I had to find a better way.

The search for ‘another way’ led me to discover The Mind Wheel, an ancient yogic teaching that explains how our mind works. This simple diagram effectively shows how an event enters our mind (1), is processed through subconscious filters of our beliefs (2), and produces a thought (3). A thought elicits an emotion (4), which in turn invokes a desire (5), followed by an action (6). The action then creates a consequence (7) and leads to another event (0), and the cycle repeats.

Most people get stuck in this wheel for years, even lifetimes, habitually responding to a stimulus in the same way over and over. Cognitive Behavioral Psychologists refer to these mind processes as patterns, thought forms, or core beliefs and offer various therapy techniques for behavior change that may take years to instill with only mild relief. Eastern esoteric gurus promise that one can break the cycle if one develops will and discipline, such as required in yoga and meditation practice.

But they also warn of the challenge…

“The Road to Lasting Peace” By Dr. Angelika Selle

The Road to Lasting Peace

By: Dr. Angelika Selle

From childhood, I wanted to be a peacemaker, but it seemed like an impossible dream—a pipe dream, some would say.

According to one online post I recently encountered, “Of the past 3,400 years, humans have been entirely at peace only for 268 of them, or only 8 percent of recorded history.” This indicates that, although most humans desire peace, it has never been fully achieved. Yet, simultaneously, the strong desire for peace never stops, and efforts toward peace continue.

We also witness that institutions such as the United Nations—founded to maintain international peace and security and, to that end, to take effective collective measures to prevent and remove threats to the peace—have not been able to fulfill their promise to the fullest. In fact, in the face of today’s countless global crises, tensions, wars, and violations of human rights, one might not have much hope or expectations that the UN or any government or institution will be able to even make a dent in terms of not only creating peace but maintaining it.

So, is there any hope?

I say, YES, there is hope, and peace is possible!

However, from my experience, the answer does not lie in peace treaties, contracts, or mutual agreements. Instead, lasting peace begins in the spiritual realm and within each individual.

Indeed, I realized that, in addition to all the wars, divisions, and conflicts in the world, there are also eight billion wars—one within each of us. It is a battle between striving to do good, being kind and unselfish, and living for the sake of others and constantly being tempted and trapped into doing the opposite, namely, evil or bad, selfishness, anger, hate, and all other forms of hurting self and others.

One can say that the latter is just “reality” and “being human”; therefore, nothing will ever change.

Therein lies the problem…

To read Dr. Angelika’s full article, click on this link Magazine and get your FREE access to Empowering Humanity Magazine™ Now!

“Mastering Emotional Intelligence: Unlocking Your Brain’s Superpowers” By Hisham David Shihadeh

Mastering Emotional Intelligence: Unlocking Your Brain’s Superpowers

By: Hisham David Shihadeh

Emotional intelligence, or EQ, has become an increasingly important superpower in our fast-paced, interconnected world. The ability to understand, manage, and navigate our own emotions, as well as those of others, can profoundly impact our relationships, decision-making, and overall well-being. It’s the secret sauce that can take us from good to great, personally and professionally.

My Journey to Mastering Emotional Intelligence

Growing up, I always felt like an outsider. My intense emotions often overwhelmed me, making it difficult to connect with my peers and navigate the social landscape of school. Despite my intelligence and creativity, I struggled to find my place in the world, constantly doubting my worth and abilities.

But I was determined to break free from this cycle. Through my research and self-exploration, I discovered the power of emotional intelligence…

To read Hisham’s full article, click on this link Magazine and get your FREE access to Empowering Humanity Magazine™ Now!

“What’s Inside Your Box?” By Joan S. Peck

What’s Inside Your Box?

By Joan S. Peck

Whether we know it or not, we each have a box within our mind where we stuff away some of our thoughts, ideas, dreams, fears, and prejudices. We started when we were young, not even aware of doing it. It could have been something like your fear of water, or an old saying such as “if you step on a crack, you break your mother’s back,” or the idea that you’re not successful unless you are rich, or the belief that you’ll never amount to anything, or the dream of becoming a doctor despite coming from a low-income family, or so many other things—those thoughts or ideas we unwittingly hold onto and have held close often influenced our way of living.

Do you believe your hopes and dreams cannot become real, so it is best not to bring them out of your box? Do you feel your prejudices are the only way to think? Have you allowed whatever you have put into your box to stay there without thought or review, or are they stuck there because you are unwilling to see them differently?

It may be time you look inside your box to see what you have placed inside…

To read Joan’s full article, click on this link Magazine and get your FREE access to Empowering Humanity Magazine™ Now!

“Bring Your Best Game” By Andi Buerger JD

Bring Your Best Game

By: Andi Buerger JD

Imagine it’s the day after the NFL’s famous Super Bowl game—no doubt there is celebration and disappointment in the post-game aftermath. It is the same for Major League Baseball’s World Series and many other well-known sports competitions where sometimes teams win – and sometimes they lose, kind of like life. Sometimes you win, and sometimes you face tremendous loss. The real question is, did you bring your best game?

No matter how good or new a team is – whether it’s your family, workplace, or community – the most critical factor in that ensemble is you. Are you fit to play the game? Are you prepared to win? Have you considered hypothetical options to anticipate whatever Team Life throws your way? Your teammates must also be fit, prepared, and ready to conquer “today” and will look to you as their model. What have you demonstrated to your life team this week that you want them to follow?

Your team wins in the long run by bringing your best game.

Best game means that you are emotionally, mentally, and physically up to the challenge of…

To read Andi’s full article, click on this link Magazine and get your FREE access to Empowering Humanity Magazine™ Now!