Petia Kolibova

I very much enjoyed meeting like minded people, learning from your TV guests, seeing the excitement of everyone who received the generous gifts from the raffle tickets and listening to the four beautiful songs by Stephanie Thompson. At the same time I felt that I was participating and being part of Empowering Humanity and making a difference in the world. I walked away inspired, happy and uplifted! Thank you Aimmee for creating this opportunity for all of us to be part of something beautiful!”

Ava Mucikyan

I am so grateful to be part of this enlightening initiative. Empowering Humanity Show brings together the leaders in the community and awakened people. It raises awareness about intentional living and empowers people to follow their truth. Our community needs a lot of light and this show helps bring it to Humanity

Cody Herd

Aimmee, as always, you have been an inspiration to me. From the bottom of my heart I wanted to thank you so much for inviting me to your TV show live audience event. I felt so uplifted and inspired by the insights I learned from you and your guests. It gave me hope and opened my mind and I started to see the possibilities and the opportunities I can have in my life. Since that day I have been telling everyone about your show and what it has to offer. I can’t thank you enough for creating something amazing for us to grow and be the best we can be

Les Brown

You have something special. You have greatness in you. Hello, my name is Les Brown. When you want a speaker, you want someone who has content, who is inspiring, and who can move your audience. Aimmee Kodachian can do that. I saw her. If you want to look really good for the speaker that you bring in, remember this name: Aimmee Kodachian. This is Les Brown, this is Mamie Brown’s baby boy. She’s got greatness in her, and so do you. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it