Setting Your Mindset for a Fulfilling Life
By: Eileen Bild
I used to think I could “save the world,” which would bring me happiness and a fulfilling life. I thought I was doing something to make a difference, and the world would become a better place through my efforts. The more I put energy into my endeavors, the more I realized that changing the world is an enormous feat and that carrying this weight on my shoulders was nearly impossible. So, I stepped back and re-examined how I was thinking about my contributions and what it would take to lead a fulfilling life and still feel I am impacting the greater whole.
The mind is an excellent tool if we use it to our advantage. Rather than let it control us, we can work with its many facets to understand ourselves, and in turn, we will be understood. What does a fulfilling life mean to you? Each of us has a different definition, and we fit ourselves into what we envision in various ways. A fulfilling life includes being in tune with what feels good to me, loving with no agenda, and going with the flow while staying positive in my life experiences so my actions will positively impact others. There is a chaotic world around us, but we can learn to be in the middle of chaos with the strength, endurance, and drive to rise above it, leading a life full of meaning and purpose.
People will push our boundaries, we can feel hurt and disrespected, and life can seem unfair sometimes, but…
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