“Mastering Emotional Intelligence: Unlocking Your Brain’s Superpowers” By Hisham David Shihadeh

Mastering Emotional Intelligence: Unlocking Your Brain’s Superpowers

By: Hisham David Shihadeh

Emotional intelligence, or EQ, has become an increasingly important superpower in our fast-paced, interconnected world. The ability to understand, manage, and navigate our own emotions, as well as those of others, can profoundly impact our relationships, decision-making, and overall well-being. It’s the secret sauce that can take us from good to great, personally and professionally.

My Journey to Mastering Emotional Intelligence

Growing up, I always felt like an outsider. My intense emotions often overwhelmed me, making it difficult to connect with my peers and navigate the social landscape of school. Despite my intelligence and creativity, I struggled to find my place in the world, constantly doubting my worth and abilities.

But I was determined to break free from this cycle. Through my research and self-exploration, I discovered the power of emotional intelligence…

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“What’s Inside Your Box?” By Joan S. Peck

What’s Inside Your Box?

By Joan S. Peck

Whether we know it or not, we each have a box within our mind where we stuff away some of our thoughts, ideas, dreams, fears, and prejudices. We started when we were young, not even aware of doing it. It could have been something like your fear of water, or an old saying such as “if you step on a crack, you break your mother’s back,” or the idea that you’re not successful unless you are rich, or the belief that you’ll never amount to anything, or the dream of becoming a doctor despite coming from a low-income family, or so many other things—those thoughts or ideas we unwittingly hold onto and have held close often influenced our way of living.

Do you believe your hopes and dreams cannot become real, so it is best not to bring them out of your box? Do you feel your prejudices are the only way to think? Have you allowed whatever you have put into your box to stay there without thought or review, or are they stuck there because you are unwilling to see them differently?

It may be time you look inside your box to see what you have placed inside…

To read Joan’s full article, click on this link Magazine and get your FREE access to Empowering Humanity Magazine™ Now!

“Bring Your Best Game” By Andi Buerger JD

Bring Your Best Game

By: Andi Buerger JD

Imagine it’s the day after the NFL’s famous Super Bowl game—no doubt there is celebration and disappointment in the post-game aftermath. It is the same for Major League Baseball’s World Series and many other well-known sports competitions where sometimes teams win – and sometimes they lose, kind of like life. Sometimes you win, and sometimes you face tremendous loss. The real question is, did you bring your best game?

No matter how good or new a team is – whether it’s your family, workplace, or community – the most critical factor in that ensemble is you. Are you fit to play the game? Are you prepared to win? Have you considered hypothetical options to anticipate whatever Team Life throws your way? Your teammates must also be fit, prepared, and ready to conquer “today” and will look to you as their model. What have you demonstrated to your life team this week that you want them to follow?

Your team wins in the long run by bringing your best game.

Best game means that you are emotionally, mentally, and physically up to the challenge of…

To read Andi’s full article, click on this link Magazine and get your FREE access to Empowering Humanity Magazine™ Now!

“Embracing Your Invisible Sash: Tips for Women to Empower Themselves Daily” By Eliz Nestorov

Embracing Your Invisible Sash: Tips for Women to Empower Themselves Daily

By: Eliz Nestorov

Wearing a sash can be a transformative experience. It’s more than just a piece of fabric; it symbolizes honor, achievement, and responsibility. Whether it’s a beauty queen sash, a graduation sash, or a ceremonial sash, donning it brings a unique blend of empowerment and vulnerability that shapes how we perceive ourselves and others.

The moment you put on a sash, you can feel its power. It’s a tangible representation of recognition and accomplishment, and this feeling of empowerment can be exhilarating. A sash signifies a significant achievement that makes you stand out. It commands respect and admiration, often opening doors to opportunities that might remain closed.

Wearing a sash boosts your confidence. It’s a constant reminder of your achievements and the hard work that brought you there. This sense of validation can inspire you to aim even higher, set new goals, and pursue them with renewed vigor. The sash is a beacon of hope and motivation, driving you to impact your community and beyond positively.

However, with “great power comes great responsibility.” The sash makes you vulnerable. You are in the spotlight when you wear it, and people assume expectations. This visibility can be daunting and intimidating. Your actions and words are often scrutinized, and the pressure to maintain a specific image can sometimes be overwhelming. The sash turns you into a public figure, and with that comes the challenge of living up to its ideals.

While not every day presents the opportunity to don a physical sash, women can harness its empowering essence daily. Here are some tips on how to wear your invisible sash…

To read Eliz full article, click on this link Magazine and get your FREE access to Empowering Humanity Magazine™ Now!

“Setting Your Mindset for a Fulfilling Life” By Eileen Bild

Setting Your Mindset for a Fulfilling Life

By: Eileen Bild

I used to think I could “save the world,” which would bring me happiness and a fulfilling life. I thought I was doing something to make a difference, and the world would become a better place through my efforts. The more I put energy into my endeavors, the more I realized that changing the world is an enormous feat and that carrying this weight on my shoulders was nearly impossible. So, I stepped back and re-examined how I was thinking about my contributions and what it would take to lead a fulfilling life and still feel I am impacting the greater whole.

The mind is an excellent tool if we use it to our advantage. Rather than let it control us, we can work with its many facets to understand ourselves, and in turn, we will be understood. What does a fulfilling life mean to you? Each of us has a different definition, and we fit ourselves into what we envision in various ways. A fulfilling life includes being in tune with what feels good to me, loving with no agenda, and going with the flow while staying positive in my life experiences so my actions will positively impact others. There is a chaotic world around us, but we can learn to be in the middle of chaos with the strength, endurance, and drive to rise above it, leading a life full of meaning and purpose.

People will push our boundaries, we can feel hurt and disrespected, and life can seem unfair sometimes, but…

To read Eileen’s full article, click on this link Magazine and get your FREE access to Empowering Humanity Magazine™ Now!

“Leadership Lessons I Learned from Nelson Mandela” By Judi Moreo

Leadership Lessons I Learned from Nelson Mandela

By: Judi Moreo

It was 1990 when I moved to South Africa to work for the Argus Newspaper Group, which consisted of 17 newspapers, two radio stations, and the only privately owned television station in South Africa.  These media outlets were known for their comprehensive news coverage, ranging from local to international issues. They were critical in informing the public during significant political and social change.

The 1990s were a transformative period in South Africa, marked by the end of apartheid, the release of Nelson Mandela from prison, and the subsequent transition to a democratic government with the 1994 elections.

Because of my position in the newspaper group’s head office, I often attended events hosted by one of our prestigious newspapers, which is how I had the good fortune to meet Mr. Mandela on several occasions. I was moved by his humbleness and ability to make others feel like they were the most important people in the room. In my entire life, he was the most impressive person I have ever met, so I embarked on a journey to learn as much about him as I could.

Here are some key leadership lessons I learned from him:

1. The Power of Forgiveness and Reconciliation:

Mr. Mandela emphasized the importance of forgiveness and reconciliation, even after spending 27 years in prison. His ability to forgive his oppressors and work towards a unified South Africa is a powerful example of overcoming personal grievances for the greater good.

2. Leading by Example:

He demonstrated integrity and led by example. His commitment to his principles and his ability to remain steadfast in adversity…

To read Judi’s full article, click on this link Magazine and get your FREE access to Empowering Humanity Magazine™ Now!

“Cultivating Authentic Harmony: A Blueprint for Champion Leaders” By Dr. Pauline Crawford

Cultivating Authentic Harmony: A Blueprint for Champion Leaders

By Dr. Pauline Crawford

In the intricate tapestry of human interaction, there exists a profound power—one that transcends differences and unites individuals in a symphony of authenticity and harmony. As leaders, our journey is not merely about steering the ship of success; it’s about orchestrating a collective melody that resonates with purpose and meaning.

In our quest for leadership excellence, we must first acknowledge the myriad challenges that dot the landscape of human dynamics. From navigating gender biases to unraveling the complexities of emotional expression, the path to effective leadership is fraught with obstacles that demand our attention and understanding.

Enter The Power of Authentic Harmony—a guiding principle that illuminates the path toward transformative leadership. Rooted in empathy, authenticity, and inclusivity, this paradigm empowers leaders to foster environments where every voice is heard, and every individual is valued.

At the heart of Authentic Harmony lies a deep appreciation for diversity in all its forms. Rather than viewing differences as barriers, champion leaders embrace them as catalysts for innovation and growth. By cultivating an environment where every individual feels seen, heard, and respected, we lay the groundwork for collaboration and synergy to flourish.

Central to the concept of Authentic Harmony is the recognition of gender dynamics and their profound impact on communication and collaboration. Studies have shown that men and women often navigate emotions differently, with societal norms influencing how anger, in particular, is perceived and expressed. By understanding these nuances, leaders can bridge the divide and foster an environment of mutual respect and understanding.

But Authentic Harmony goes beyond mere acknowledgment of differences; it requires a commitment to active listening, empathy, and vulnerability. It’s about creating spaces where individuals feel safe to express themselves authentically, without fear of judgment or reprisal.

As I would put it, “Life is the result of how you steer your journey, everyone else is your welcomed passenger.” In embracing the principles of Authentic Harmony, we embark on a journey of transformation—one where every interaction is an opportunity to uplift, inspire, and unite.

So let us smile with diversity and unify our success with all we meet. Let us lead with compassion, empathy, and integrity, creating a world where Authentic Harmony reigns supreme—a world where every individual can thrive and contribute their unique gifts to the collective symphony of humanity.

#AuthenticHarmony #ChampionLeadership #InclusiveLeadership #EmbraceDiversity

Dr. Pauline Crawford has published her book in English and French with a further addition in Spanish planned; her vision is a world of authentic harmony across language divides to bring us all together for a better future.


The Conversation Game Changer

Dr. Pauline Crawford is a performance consultant dedicated to enhancing business leaders’ ability to create meaningful and profitable success through engaging their employees’ natural energy to enhance performance excellence.

With over 30 years’ experience in corporate UK, Europe, Asia, USA, she combines her roles as Chief Vision Officer of the Corporate Heart International; President-Elect 2023-24 Rotary Club Of Global Impact, and G100 Global Chair for Positive Masculinity, with her social media presence as an author and international speaker on “The Power of Authentic Harmony”. Her passion to ensure emotional synergy among women and men has led her to design Gender Dynamics Intelligence (GDI©) and address the DEI agenda with new narratives to regenerate healthy heart-centered workplace cultures. Her mission is to establish a business landscape where women are valued and engaged with men in all aspects of business and life enhancement. Her team delivers unique conversation concepts, GDI Archetype profiles and wellness culture programs in global locations.

She is a certified entreprenologist PHD, hosting Magical Conversations and facilitating lively interactive experiences. Her mission is to educate leaders in the benefits of personal & professional value creation by embodying a living philosophy that improves conversations, relationships, and performance.

#heartcenteredleadership #conversationstrategy #conflictcultureresolutions


“Can Music Heal You?” By Stephanie Thompson

Can Music Heal You?

By Stephanie Thompson

I’ve spent a good many years reading different resources on the healing power of music and giving talks about what I’ve learned from those resources. As cited on http://Takelessons.com , singing improves our overall mental health because it releases endorphins and increases our mental alertness, by sending more oxygen to the brain, affecting our concentration and memory.

The power of music to heal doesn’t stop there. One recent study observed a group of people who sang while the other group listened to music. The group that listened to music was calmer, but the singing group had higher levels of Immunoglobulin A, an antibody that fights infection. An article in Healthline 1 also stated that singing has a positive effect on stress, lowering the cortisol levels in the body.

Practicing What I Preach

The Thompson family, of which I’m a prominent member, has a history of trick backs. Mine is no exception. During a recent doctor visit, I was prescribed a shot and two prescriptions, one for Ibuprofen and the other a muscle relaxant.

The shot initially helped a lot. I took the Ibuprofen every eight hours for eight days, but after those eight days, my back pain returned. I was out of the Ibuprofen prescription and I could only take the muscle relaxer at night because it made me drowsy.

At first, I took some Advil and suffered, but by the next day, I knew there was no way I could live with the pain. After a rough night of persistent back pain and nothing helping, I couldn’t wait this out. I had to do something.

What came to mind were all those resources I’d read and the talks I’d been giving about the healing power of music. It was time to practice what I preached.

To read Stephanie’s inspiring full article, click on this link https://rb.gy/e6xbbu and get your FREE access to Empowering Humanity Magazine™ Now!