The Many Gifts of Christmas

The Many Gifts of Christmas By: Empowering Humanity Ah, Christmas. A time for family, friends, and gifts. It’s a season of giving, and it seems like there’s always something to give. But what if we looked at Christmas a little differently this year? What if, instead of giving material things, we gave gifts that would […]

Music Can Transform

“Music Can Transform” By; Stephanie Thompson I have never been a fan of going to the doctor or getting medical tests. I’ve learned recently that a lot of people experience that which makes me feel I’m not alone. My blood pressure is always higher when I’m at the doctor and anxiety kicks in. Recently, I […]

Helping People in the Grip of Anxiety and Depression

“Helping People in the Grip of Anxiety and Depression” By: Robin Hills   People in the grip of intense unpleasant emotions, such as depression or anxiety do not need advice, and certainly not from me!  What they need is someone who they can talk to, someone who they can open up with, and someone who […]

How Laughter Leads You To Deep Meditation, Peace & Stillness

“How Laughter Leads You To Deep Meditation, Peace & Stillness” by: Pragito Dove Laughter can lead me to deep meditation? I never imagined such a thing was possible. As a child I longed to laugh, giggle and be funny but this was frowned upon in our household. Yet the giggles remained, albeit stuffed down deep […]

Create a Mental Movie to Achieve Your Goals

Create a Mental Movie to Achieve Your Goals By Judi Moreo We all have something in life that we want to achieve. Most of the time, we don’t know how to go about achieving these goals, so we allow ourselves to fail by simply giving up. Creating a mental movie can increase your chances of […]

How Do We Become Strong & Confident From Within

“How Do We Become Strong & Confident From Within?” by: Pragito Dove First, be one with yourself. Accept yourself. Love yourself. Society conditions, educates, and “civilizes” each of us in such a way that we begin to condemn ourselves. For example, society states that you should not be sad. You should be happy. If your […]

Are You Afraid of Failure

“Are You Afraid of Failure?” By Judi Moreo People can be so afraid of failure that they do unimaginable things to avoid it. They avoid taking any chances because if they try something and it doesn’t work out, they think will be looked upon as a failure. To make matters worse, we often see successful […]

Music and the Brain

“Music and the Brain” By: Stephanie Thompson As I mentioned in a previous article, neurologists have found that music activates the brain in unique ways. According to Kathleen M. Howland, a Speech and Music Therapist, babies and newborns can detect the beats in music and sea chanties were used to bring sailors together to complete […]

Discover How to End Limiting Beliefs

Discover How to End Limiting Beliefs By Judi Moreo Are limiting beliefs holding you back from achieving your goals? You can end them if you want to. Limiting beliefs are often ingrained within us from a very young age. You may feel that you can’t do math as you weren’t good at it in school […]

How To Stay Positive in Challenging Times (5 Steps)

Are you having trouble staying in a positive state of mind when challenging circumstances present themselves? The Universal Laws state: so without, so within. Everything is a mirror. We cannot change the reflection, but we can change the original (ourselves), and then, automatically, the reflection changes. Here are my top 5 Keys that can help […]